For over fifty years now, the David Douglas Dads Club has been an independent organization of parents, faculty, administrators, and other persons of the David Douglas School District having an interest in assisting the students of the district, and having no direct connection to the district administration.  The Dads Club is dedicated to assisting students in the district through a system of self-help projects, scholarships, and direct grants of money to recognized school organizations to further their aims.

Our Benevolent and Fundraising Activities

Father Daughter Banquet

In February or March of each year the Dads Club hosts an evening of fun, food, and entertainment for families. Special recognition is given to the father / daughter relationship, but any student is welcome to attend with a parent or guardian.


The evening includes, door prizes, dancing, a photo booth, and more.   Seating is limited so families are encouraged to get their tickets online to ensure they have a place.  When the date for 2025 is set, there will be a link here to get tickets, as well as through school media.

Senior Scholarships

Each year the Dads Club provides four or five merit based scholarships to graduating seniors for use towards their educational goals.


Applications for scholarships are available through the high school counseling office in January of each year.  Dads Club members form a committee to review applications in May.  Awards are presented at senior recognition night in June.  Scholarship winners chosen by the committee are kept secret until recognition night.

2025 Scholarship application


Fireworks Fundraiser

June 23 – July 4th we host a fireworks tent at Cherry Park Market Center on the Corner of Glisan & SE 238th,    2501 SW Cherry Park Road, Troutdale.


This is a huge undertaking and requires many hours of volunteer help.  If you are able to share some time with us please follow the link ( to be posted  here in 2025) to sign up for shifts.

Bar-be-que Fundraisers

If there is one thing a dad can do, it’s a BBQ!!  This fun activity continues to grow as we serve at all our home football games and a few community events / car shows.


Help is always needed in the BBQ tent …. set up, cooking, serving, tear down …. it a fast paced few hours.  Sign ups to help are listed on the Upcoming Events page of this website.

Christmas Tree Recycling

The first two weekends after Christmas, the Dads Club offers tree recycling in the high school south parking lot.


This is an opportunity for clubs and community groups to come together and earn money for their organizations. Volunteers are needed to help pick up trees and work in the “yard” putting cut up trees into recycleing dumpsters.  

Firewood Sales

This fundraiser is available for individual members or groups of members to participate.   Wood is collected, cut and split. Then seasoned for home stoves, outdoor pits, or campfires.


Current pricing is $250.00 a cord plus a delivery fee.  Half cords are available.  “Camping boxes” sell for $15.00.   Please contact us if you have any questions, would like to buy wood, or assist in chopping or delivery.  See our ad on Craigslist.